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10 vegetable oils that should be included in your diet

Part 1

Scientists have proven that for the activity and youth of the brain

you need to eat two tablespoons of vegetable oil every day.

vegetable oil

The benefits of vegetable oil are invaluable, and today there is a lot of talk about it.

But not everyone knows how unique and healing properties each one of them is, because mostly we are used to using sunflower, and sometimes olive, coconut, etc.

Vegetable oil is one of the most useful dietary products, which not only improves the taste of food, but also strengthens human health.

Our body needs fats – they are good for our nervous system, brain, skin and overall health. Also, vegetable oils are rich in important fat-soluble vitamins A (necessary for skin, vision, and immunity) and E (antioxidant, protects against infections).

The world culinary axiom is that every housewife should have different types of oil in her kitchen. After all, each of them has its own characteristics and a unique, unique composition.

Let's consider the most famous vegetable oils that deserve to be on your table.

olive oil, extra virgin olive oil

A special advantage of olive oil is that it is enriched with butyric acid.

The oil became widely distributed in Europe thanks to the so-called “Mediterranean diet”, the essence of which is to reduce the consumption of animal fats and replace them with vegetable fats. It is well suited for dressing salads and preparing hot dishes.

Extra virgin olive oil, unfiltered (Extra Virgin Unfiltered Olive Oil is written on the label) or extra virgin filtered (Extra virgin olive oil or Virgin extra) is the best. Olive oil also contains substances that help increase immunity and slow down the process of cellular aging.

When choosing between refined and unrefined oils, everyone decides for himself. Unrefined oil is bitter and not suitable for frying, because when heated, carcinogens are released in it due to the combustion of useful substances. At the same time, refined oil is perfect for those who are afraid of allergies. Refined olive oil also lasts longer and can be used for frying.

flaxseed oil

The benefits of flaxseed oil and its healing properties have been known since ancient times. Flaxseed oil was used with vegetables during Lent, festive dishes were prepared on its basis, and it was added to buttery pastries.

It is with cold-pressed technology that linseed oil retains its healing properties.

In terms of biological value, linseed oil is in the top five among other edible vegetable oils and contains many substances useful for the body (polyunsaturated acids, vitamins F, A, E, B, K, saturated fatty acids (10% of the composition).

In terms of the content of unsaturated fatty acids, linseed oil is 2 times higher than fish oil, which is why it is considered one of the most important lean products and is recommended by nutritionists for those whose diet lacks fish. It “looks” great in cereals (especially buckwheat) and with sauerkraut. It is worth remembering that linseed oil should not be heated under any circumstances – this nullifies its healing properties. Therefore, it should be stored in the refrigerator and added to ready-made dishes, for example, dressing salads with it.

soybean oil

Soybean oil is obtained from soybeans. It occupies a leading place in the world production of vegetable oils. The main advantage of this oil is the high content of lecithin, which is necessary for the functioning of the brain. In addition, this oil perfectly removes excess cholesterol from the body. Only refined soybean oil can be found on sale. It is an ideal raw material for deep-frying and margarine production. Soybean oil is absorbed by the body almost 100%. It is used for dressing salads, cold snacks, baking, short-term frying of meat and fish. Goes well with rice and oriental spices.

Among oil plants, sesame is one of the valuable crops that contains oil with high nutritional qualities. Contains antioxidants, enriched with iron, lecithin, calcium, vitamins A, B1, B2, P and useful fatty acids (palmitic, stearic, oleic, omega-6). Sesame oil has high taste properties, similar to olive oil. Sesame oil is used directly in food, for the production of confectionery, high-quality preserves, margarine, and is also used in medicine (to improve blood clotting, removes cholesterol from the human body, is used in the treatment of asthma) and in cosmetology. Helps to relax and relieve stress. By the way, you can fry in light sesame oil. It is better to use dark only in cold form. Tahini oil is obtained from cleaned sesame seeds, which is used to make halva.

Milk thistle oil

Milk thistle oil

Milk thistle oil is rich in carotenoids, thanks to which it stimulates metabolism in the heart muscle and liver. Also, carotene is useful for the retina of the eye and for atherosclerosis.

Silymarin is a particularly important component of milk thistle oil. It is able to strengthen and regenerate liver cells. It is this substance that prevents cholesterol from settling on the walls of blood vessels and removes it from the body, maintains the overall fat balance. Vitamin D, which is also part of milk thistle oil, helps the body fully absorb calcium and phosphorus, strengthens immunity, is responsible for the normal functioning of the heart, blood vessels and thyroid gland. The oil is a source of vitamin K, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the kidneys.

Milk thistle oil is very useful for the mucous membranes of the digestive organs: it has an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect for ulcers and various lesions. Therefore, thistle seed oil is used for the prevention and treatment of gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers.

This was the first part about the benefits and importance of vegetable oils in your diet.

Their use is desirable, this does not mean that you need to drink liters or pour them into dishes. One or two spoons in a salad is enough, or add when preparing other dishes.

Write in the comments which oils you use, and how do you like them?

Stay tuned for the second part on healthy vegetable oils coming soon.


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