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Essential Oils vs Carrier Oils

Essential Oils vs Carrier Oils

Depending on the method of production and specific characteristics, the following types of natural oils are distinguished:

Essential oils are multicomponent mixtures of volatile substances formed in various plant organs, and evaporate at ordinary temperature. Since essential oils can evaporate, they can obtain from natural sources by the method of distillation.

Essential oils have a completely different structure and are different

from fatty ones, both in terms of chemical and physical properties.

Unlike carrier oils, essential oils do not leave stains on paper, and cannot be saponified by alkalis. During storage, they are not capable of becoming bitter, like carrier, but under the influence of light and air can oxidize.

Essential oils have a pleasant, characteristic smell, which is determined by applying 1 or 2 drops of essential oil to a piece of filter paper.

As a rule, essential oils are colorless, especially if they are fresh, but they can oxidize during storage, and then their color becomes darker. To avoid this, essential oils should store in a dry, cool place in a tightly closed container,

preferably in a full dark glass container.

Essential oils at normal temperatures like, as a rule, have a liquid state. Some of them harden at a temperature slightly below room temperature. For example, aniseed oil solidifies at a temperature of 15 °C and melts at 17 °C, rose color,

the oil solidifies at a temperature of 18 °C and melts at 19 °C.

Essential oils are generally immiscible with water, but they are soluble enough to impart their scent and taste in water, aromatic waters exist precisely because of this property.

essential oils

So, essential oil is a concentrated liquid containing volatile (evaporate at room temperature) chemical compounds of plants. An essential oil is “essential” in the sense that it contains the “essence” of the plant's aroma—the characteristic aroma of the plant from which it is derived.

“Fat” vegetable oils

This variety has the most synonyms and analog names: carrier, basic, transport, base, fatty, cosmetic oil. Oil is obtained from the seeds, nuts, and fruits of oil crops.

Extraction or pressing technology is used for production. Before going on sale, the product is cleaned. The accompanying technological techniques can include: bleaching, deodorization, refining, freezing.

A characteristic feature is that such drugs leave a thin protective film on the skin after application. It is a kind of barrier and protects the dermis from the influence of adverse climatic factors, as well as promotes moisture retention. For ingestion, massage and skin care, the product is used undiluted. It also serves as a base when mixed with essential oils. It is possible to prepare blending compositions from several bases.

Depending on the consistency, carrier oils are divided into:

  • Liquid

  • Solids or batters

All carrier oils have different combinations of useful properties and other characteristics that depend on the choice of oil. Natural lotions, creams, body oils, bath oils, lip balms and other nourishing and moisturizing products for the skin are produced using base/carrier oils.

carrier oils for skin

Some carrier oils are completely odorless, while most have a faint sweet, nutty aroma. The name of each oil contains information about the raw material. There is a classification of oils by consistency, as well as by the method and technology of production.

The use of vegetable oils goes beyond the scope of cooking processes. Some of them are known not only for their high consumption, energy and nutritional value, but also for their very beneficial properties for the body.

So, carrier oils are fats obtained from plants that are used in various industries: cosmetic, food, medicine, industrial, etc.

In summary, both carrier oils and essential oils can be used in a variety of industries. Most often, we are used to using them in cosmetology. Each type of oil has specifics for their use, and first you need to study the effect of the oil on the body in order to avoid negative effects.

‼️ MAIN RULE for using these oils: Ignoring knowledge about the specifics of use may not only not give the expected effect, but also lead to health complications.

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